SEO Consulting with West Los Angeles SEO for companies
With “ next to nothing” budget
We at Los Angeles SEO are really dedicated to giving small businesses with small budgets an opportunity to compete with much bigger companies that have much deeper pockets. There are cases, most commonly with startups, where there really is almost no budget for advertising. In fact, about 85% of startups on the Internet fail during the first year. Their biggest obstacle is funding or lack of capital.
There are quite a few things that can be done by a reasonably computer literate business owner or partner if they are willing to put in the time and effort. For a $50 consultation fee we will map out an individual course of action that can be taken by a non Seo pro that can dramatically increase a small business’s online presence and profile. Realistically it won’t be as effective as if done by a SEO pro but we believe it is a viable option for companies that cannot afford professional SEO services.
If you or your company is interested in this consultative service please feel free to give us a call so we can explain it in further detail. Thanks for your interest in West Los Angeles SEO.