We strongly recommend that most clients consider a pay-
It often takes a few weeks up to a month and a half to realize the benefits of an
organic SEO campaign. The primary factor being the time lapse until the search engine
robots properly crawl and index the recent work. Links especially can be slow to
index. Google offers $100 of free Adwords for a new account and Bing often $200.
If you know how to get it. Adword campaigns if done by a professional can be very
cost effective marketing and have an excellent (ROI) return on investment. Especially
for startup businesses, or a business that needs to improve their performance immediately,
a PPC campaign can be a lifesaver. I recommend starting out small, and fine-
We can set-
Give us a call for a free individual analysis of your business needs and how our services can help. Let’s claim those free incentives and let them offset the cost of the organic campaign.
Best Regards, West LA SEO 424. 272.6228 west.la.seo@gmail.com
PPC (pay per click) Campaigns Adwords and Bing
West Los Angeles SEO Services